Driver behaviour research
- Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES)
- Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
- VTI Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute
- BASt (Germany)
- Transportation Research Board (US)
Driver training
- CBR (Dutch driving test authority)
- The Driving School Association of the Americas
- Driver Training in Steps (DTS) in The Netherlands
- International comparison driver training (Monash University)
Road safety
- AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
- NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (USA)
- ERSO European Road Safety Observatory
- Dangers of distracted driving
- 10 Texting and Driving Statistics Every Driver Should Know
- Best cars for senior drivers
Training simulators
- DSC Driving Simulator Conference
- National Advanced driving simulator Iowa
- Military training simulators
Articles about driving simulators
- Why Learn How to Drive with Driving Simulators
- Safe Driving Training With Driving Simulator
- Benefits Of Driving Simulator Training
- How is Driving Simulator as a Training Tool
- Differences Between Driving Simulation And Traditional Training
- Why Go For A Driving Simulator Training
- Five Specific Advantages Of Driving Simulator Training
- How To Get The Best Out Of Driving Simulator Training
- Driving Simulator Benefits
- Lack of Driving Experience as a Factor in Accidents of Novice Drivers: Use a Driving Simulator?
- Task Automation Allows You to Improve Driver Training
- (Dutch) Hoe een rijsimulator de rijopleiding kan verbeteren
- (Dutch) Leren autorijden door automatiseren van rijtaken
- (Dutch) Rijles in een simulator: vooroordelen en halve waarheden
- (Dutch) Voordelen van een rijsimulator voor de rijopleiding
- (Dutch) Hoe een rijsimulator in de rijopleiding tot beter en veiliger rijgedrag kan leiden
- Accident risk of the elderly driver
- Skills and accident involvement
- Accident risk of young drivers
- Effects of alcohol
- Effects of marijuana on driving performance
- Adaptive control models of driving
- Virtual Reality in a driving simulator
- Drinking while driving
- Treating phobias with Virtual Reality techniques
- Clinical applications of a driving simulator
- Treatment of fear of driving in a driving simulator
- Distracted driving simulator
- DUI and driver impairment
- Research driving simulator applications
- Driving simulator applications
- Differences in quality of driving schools
- Can a simulator be used in driving tests?
- Driver safety blog