Police training

Driving with sound signals

Driving with a siren (sound signals) is normally difficult to train on public roads for police, ambulance or firetruck drivers because of traffic safety issues. When driving with siren police officers are allowed to drive at higher speeds and other drivers are obliged to give priority and give way to the priority vehicle. While it is very important for police drivers (or ambulance and firetruck drivers) to practice this, it poses an increased traffic safety risk when this practice is done on public roads. Practicing the required skills in a simulator solves these safety issues.

Driver training for drivers of priority vehicles can be done more efficiently and much safer in a driving simulator. With enough practice, drivers of priority vehicles, using a siren, will be less involved in traffic accidents during pursuit in real traffic conditions because they will have trained their skills to do so in a safe way. The simulator offers a lot of different traffic and environmental conditions to practice this, such as driving on highways, in towns and villages, on single and dual carriageways, on roundabouts, in night conditions, and during fog, rain and snow.

All driver training lessons can be trained as a priority vehicle, and this can be enabled in the IOConfig program.

By default, use of the siren is disabled. For police training 2 options are of interest:

  1. Use of siren, but other traffic does not take account of you as a priority vehicle. In that case the police driver hears the siren but has to behave more carefully
  2. Use of siren AND being a priority vehicle. In the case, as soon as the siren is switched on, other traffic takes account of you as driving in a priority vehicle. Other traffic participants change their behaviour by giving you priority, by moving aside when you overtake etc.

If driving at higher speed is required, the engine power can be increased, see the manual for driver training for that.


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